
Doctoral thesis

Eikenes, J.O.(2010). Navimation: a sociocultural exploration of kinetic interface design. Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Institute of Design, Oslo.

Journal articles

Kratky, A., Kuhn, V. and Eikenes, J.O.(2015). Coping with the big data dump: Towards a framework for enhanced information representation. First Monday, 20(6).

Eikenes, J.O.(2010). Connecting motional form to interface actions in web browsing: Investigating through motion sketching. FORMakademisk, 3(1), 80-100.

Eikenes, J.O. and A. Morrison (2010). Navimation: Exploring time, space & motion in the design of screen-based interfaces. International Journal of Design, 4(1), 1-16.

Conference publications: short and long papers

Eikenes, J.O. (2012). “(E)motional design: double mediation in kinetic interfaces”. Paper presented at Out of Control. The 8th International Conference on Design & Emotion. 11-14 September.

Eikenes, J. O. (2009). “Social navimation: Engaging interfaces in social media”. Paper presented at Engaging Artifacts. The 3rd Nordic design research conference (NORDES). 31 August-1 September.

Morrison, A. & Eikenes, J.O. (2008).  “The times are a-changing in the interface“. Multimodality and Learning. An international conference. Institute of Education, University of London. June 19-20.

Eikenes, J.O. and M. Wennesland. (2006). ‘Multi-touch soundlines’. Nordic Music Technology Conference NoMuTe2006. NTNU, Trondheim. October 10-12.


Knutsen, J., Eikenes, J.O., Romm, J. (2009) “AHO design research report: Case #2: NRK Urørt first iteration”.

Knutsen, J., Eikenes, J.O., Romm, J., Morrison, A. (2008). “AHO design research report: Case #1: Telenor football service”.